Local Wheater
24 C
clear sky
humidity: 29%
wind: 2 m/s S
H25 • L22
25 C
26 C
25 C
23 C
18 C
Current Moon Phase

New Moon
New Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini
The moon is 1 day old

Distance: 58 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 3 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 67 degrees
May 9, 2024
HomeScience and SpiritualityWayne Walter Dyer: The Shift

Wayne Walter Dyer: The Shift

Wayne W. Dyer (Detroit 1940 – Maui 2015)

Dyer has been one of the most significant seekers and popularizers about the keys to the essence of the human being. His 26 published books, lectures and talks have been aimed at teaching us to recognize our fears, our ego and how to overcome their barriers to continue our knowledge and spiritual progress.

“Your Erroneous Zones” was his first bestseller that went around the world. Doctor in cognitive psychology and professor, he dedicated his life to others, clearing the way for his elevation, for the understanding of the spiritual being that we are, and the capacities that we have to overcome any of the situations that life places us in our training.

The film The Change represents without a doubt one of the most significant pieces to know its purpose and its work.


The Shift  – Wayne W. Dyer