Local Wheater
22 C
clear sky
humidity: 35%
wind: 3 m/s N
H24 • L20
26 C
26 C
21 C
22 C
25 C
Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio
The moon is 6 days old

Distance: 62 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: -4 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 236 degrees
Sep 9, 2024

TNTR - The New Paradigm

The world as we know it is facing a new paradigm in which there is no room for the thoughts, emotions, words and behaviours that have defined the personal, social and cultural networks we have established until now.

We have assimilated a pattern of behaviour based on duality, and on ideas, concepts and beliefs that have separated us from what we truly are and from what really IS. It is a pattern corresponding to a world view or paradigm that is collapsing because it cannot coexist with the new consciousness emerging based on understanding our true nature as pure spirits living a human experience, together with the certainty of belonging to the same unit; the same family; the human race.

A new time has begun. A time for expanding our consciousness to higher levels of perception and understanding and integrating all the realms of the world into this oneness that we are, so that we can do the right thing: live together as brothers and sisters with all existing life forms, based on respect.

It is time to live coherently in terms of what we think, feel, say and do, in accordance with the level of consciousness and knowledge we now need to have.


cerebro superdotado

CEREBRO SUPERDOTADO. El Poder de la Mente. – YouTube.com


Our galaxy is ending a cosmic cycle that has lasted 26,000 years and is beginning the new one that also coincides the beginning of a new age: the age of Aquarius. These two natural periods bring with them a transformation and expansion of our consciousness, which is happening whether we want it or not.


The New Paradigm


The New Times Report appears for the first time, convinced of the leading role the media must play in this process. Its aim is to publicise the other reality, the other news, the changes occurring, and the expectations shown by the new human race.

With its new approach, TNTR intends to highlight everything that helps us to unlearn what we have learned to make room for the new paradigm. It is a vehicle demonstrating the need to revise our history as human beings and to comprehend the significance of our existence, spreading the understanding that we are, individually, the catalysts for the change we want to see around us.


Meridiány - Unidad hombre & universo

Meridiány :: Unidad hombre&universo – http://cestakduze.webnode.cz


This approach consists not only of producing and creating our own pieces but also selecting work by other authors with the same aims and intentions as this communication platform. Considering this, we (about us) would ask anyone who does not want their work to be included in TNTR, to ask for it to be removed immediately.

