Local Wheater
8 C
clear sky
humidity: 54%
wind: 7 m/s WNW
H9 • L7
8 C
7 C
7 C
8 C
6 C
Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Aries
The moon is 8 days old

Distance: 58 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 0 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: -1 degrees
Dec 9, 2024
HomeAwakened Consciousness

Awakened Consciousness

  The awareness of oceans and seas The American scientist Sylvia Earle (Gibbstown, New Jersey, USA, August 30, 1935) has been struggling for more than half of a century to raise awareness about the need to safeguard

New sources of alternative energy The "oil crisis" of the 70s, generated by the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) by refusing to export oil to the West, put on the table the

The manifesto @No_Sin_Mujeres is a moderate but significant initiative, activated last May (2018) in the field of Legal-Social Sciences and in which more than a thousand academic men "

The British David Harvey is a trained geographer, an anthropologist by extension and a Marxist theorist by conviction. Pioneer in the discipline of Modern Geography, he is the greatest exponent of Marx's work. Professor Emeritus of

In 2002, the American music technician and producer Mark Johnson decided, together with the actress Whitney Kroenke, to walk the streets of Los Angeles to record street music. Immediately
