Local Wheater
15 C
broken clouds
humidity: 80%
wind: 5 m/s SSW
H16 • L14
18 C
17 C
16 C
21 C
16 C
Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Capricorn
The moon is 6 days old

Distance: 61 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: -5 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 270 degrees
Oct 9, 2024

José Trigueirinho Netto, Brazilian (1931), abandons his profession as a filmmaker after making the film Bahía de Todos os Santos in 1960, as screenwriter and director. Sometime later he abandons his professional career to start a spiritual search. In 1980 he

The manifesto @No_Sin_Mujeres is a moderate but significant initiative, activated last May (2018) in the field of Legal-Social Sciences and in which more than a thousand academic men "

Aristotle, who transformed many areas of human knowledge, such as biology, attributed a soul to plants. Meanwhile, Hippocrates, the acknowledged father of medicine, advised his students to talk to plants, convinced that they had the knowledge to provides cures. Shamans of

Professor Michael Salla describes Exo-Politics as a new paradigm, a new field of study that would have no meaning without evidence of the existence of other civilizations in the universe. In 1961 several scientists, gathered in the United States, were interested

José Trigueirinho Netto: Us and the Evolutionary Plan
No Without Women
Nature’s Communication Networks
Exo Politics as a New Paradigm

Time of Awareness

Science and Spirituality

José Trigueirinho Netto, Brazilian (1931), abandons his profession as a filmmaker after making the film Bahía de Todos os Santos in 1960, as screenwriter and


José Trigueirinho Netto, Brazilian (1931), abandons his profession as a filmmaker after making the film Bahía de Todos os Santos in 1960, as screenwriter and

Lighting The Way

Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter make a global tour of the reality in which we are immersed, with the production of the film THRIVE. His work
