Local Wheater
15 C
broken clouds
humidity: 80%
wind: 5 m/s SSW
H16 • L14
18 C
17 C
16 C
21 C
16 C
Current Moon Phase

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Capricorn
The moon is 6 days old

Distance: 61 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: -5 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 270 degrees
Oct 9, 2024


Foster Gamble and Kimberly Carter make a global tour of the reality in which we are immersed, with the production of the film THRIVE.

His work examines not only the behavior of established socio-economic and political structures, but, through quantum physics, it delves into the disposition of the cosmos to which we belong.

Regardless of the debate that may arise from the issues dealt with, there is no doubt about the important contribution of THRIVE to the understanding of who we are and the circumstances of the world in which we develop.

This film is undoubtedly a good example of so many other initiatives that encourage reflection, offering a critical vision of the reality we know. It exposes the current state of each of the social sectors and the forms of control in which we are immersed.

THRIVE is not only an excellent dissemination tool, but it also promotes the change of consciousness necessary for personal and global growth.

