Local Wheater
11 C
clear sky
humidity: 73%
wind: 3 m/s SSW
H12 • L9
18 C
17 C
20 C
22 C
23 C
Current Moon Phase

Waning Crescent Moon
Waning Crescent Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces
The moon is 25 days old

Distance: 57 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: -1 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 354 degrees
May 4, 2024
HomeExo SciencesSolar cycle 24 and The Golden Age

Solar cycle 24 and The Golden Age

In his speech during the European Exopolitics Summit in Sitges, Barcelona, Alfred L.Webre made an interesting journey through important issues, which represent the keys to the change we are going through.

It tells us about Solar Cycle 24, a process in which three cosmic cycles are brought together that are leading human consciousness to an unprecedented transformation. He points out that we are the first navigators of this transformation, of this galactic alignment with its negative and positive repercussions, and gives solutions and strategies to navigate during the years of transition.

Webre defines Exo-Politics as the social science of the relations of our human civilization and the other civilizations of the universe.

In his journey, he also makes an exhibition about the matrix of time and its acceleration.


Solar Cycle 24 and the Golden Age

Alfred L. Webre

European Summit of Exo-Politics – Sitges / Barcelona 2009 Maximum