Local Wheater
12 C
clear sky
humidity: 72%
wind: 2 m/s N
H14 • L7
20 C
16 C
15 C
17 C
13 C
Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo
The moon is 11 days old

Distance: 63 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 2 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 171 degrees
Apr 20, 2024
HomeTNTRAbout Us – A New Media Platform

About Us - A New Media Platform

This new media platform, The New Times Report, is about the result of the cooperation of a team of human beings who share feelings and intentions.

Professionals from various disciplines convinced of the need to promote the transformation and change of awareness gradually occurring in all our ways of life and social structures. This is the certainty with which we begin this forum, a new contribution to the realisation of the need to end a time and an era with forms and ways in which it is no longer appropriate for us to live. It is a place that helps us to integrate and comprehend that only by acting from the heart, with a high level of awareness, can the common good and, as a result, the individual good, be achieved.

We are facing a great change in humanity; a new era we all have the privilege and responsibility to begin. We must face it by understanding and accepting the errors of the historical past – the errors of our ancestors and our own – in order to correct them, close a cycle, and undertake this move with the proper levels of wisdom and awareness.

We try to show the keys to the new time, the future beginning today, and the individual and collective ways many of us are already living today.

The New Times Report - The New Media Platform
