Local Wheater
12 C
clear sky
humidity: 71%
wind: 2 m/s E
H14 • L10
20 C
16 C
15 C
17 C
13 C
Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo
The moon is 11 days old

Distance: 63 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 2 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 171 degrees
Apr 20, 2024
HomeScience and SpiritualityThe Mathematics of Fractals and Their Involvement in Our Lives

The Mathematics of Fractals and Their Involvement in Our Lives

In 1975, the Polish mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot (1924 – 2010) developed the mathematics of fractals, defining fractal, from the Latin word fractus (fractured) as a geometric object whose basic structure, fragmented or apparently irregular, is repeated at different scales.

During the V Congress of Science and Spirituality, organized in Barcelona in 2010 by Science and Spirit, the American engineer and scientist Dan Winter makes a wide and magnificent exhibition about fractal geometry, and the implication it has in our daily life, in the development of our conscience and in health.

D. Winter talks about science and its connection with consciousness, introduces us to the fractal universe as a form of creation, and encourages us to create more fractal environments, eat fractal foods, and do exercises that harmonize with the outside.