Local Wheater
20 C
clear sky
humidity: 40%
wind: 2 m/s SW
H22 • L19
21 C
20 C
16 C
14 C
17 C
Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo
The moon is 10 days old

Distance: 63 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 3 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 160 degrees
Apr 19, 2024
HomeExo SciencesFrancine Blake leading the history of the Crop circles

Francine Blake leading the history of the Crop circles

In the 70s began the appearance of drawings, circles, figures, in the fields of plantations in different countries, but more regularly in England and Australia. These are the so-called “crop circles”.

These figures are formed at night without any warning or signal that they are occurring, and are visible the next morning. The harvests, usually cereals, are bent in different ways to achieve the specific design. Days later, the plant returns to its original state, regains its height and shape without any damage.

The best way to get into this reality is through Francine Blake, the Canadian researcher based in Wiltshire, England since 1992 to study the phenomenon more closely.

This is a complete exhibition divided into eight videos, which we strongly recommend to watch not only because of the phenomenon itself, but also because Blake takes a tour through history, through ancestral knowledge and understanding of the essence and vibration of nature , of the natural monuments and of the human being as such. It is convenient to make the viewing by the presented order.


Crop Circles: Francine Blake

Apresentação por Francine Blake – Crop Circles – Messages from the Cosmos


Os Crop Circles no tempo e no espaço – Parte 1 – Introdução



Lugares Sagrados – Parte 1 – Introdução



Em diferentes tipos de plantações – Parte 1 – Introdução



Do macro ao micro – Parte 1 – Introdução



Beleza para a Terra – Parte 1 – Introdução



Aspectos Metafísicos – Parte 2



Entrevista com Francine Blake
