Local Wheater
11 C
clear sky
humidity: 74%
wind: 2 m/s NE
H13 • L7
20 C
16 C
15 C
17 C
13 C
Current Moon Phase

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Virgo
The moon is 11 days old

Distance: 63 earth radii
Ecliptic latitude: 2 degrees
Ecliptic longitude: 171 degrees
Apr 20, 2024

Eco Turism & Eco Hotels

Cocoon Eco Design Lodges, Portugal

Just as our conscience, when rising, demands refined and coherent thoughts, words and behaviors, it also demands a responsible consumption according to the new feeling. It is then when there is a transition towards products and services that respect the parameters that the new conscience establishes and claims.

Mukul Beach, Golf & Spa

Image: http://notipellas.com

In this sense, the demand arises and the subsequent offer of holiday resorts called Eco Hotels. The proposal of an Eco Hotel is based both on the natural environment in which it is built, but on the quality of the materials used, the source of energy that maintains them, the furniture, the textile of the linen used, as well as the type and origin of the food offered. Overall, the entire offer must be in line with respect for nature and the environment.

Today there are many destinations where we can find Eco Hotels with a wide range of prices suitable for any type of economy.